How to Turn On Facebook Approve CommentsHow to Turn On Facebook Approve Comments
The lack of a Facebook option to allow companies to approve comments on their pages before they are published has led to many unfortunate situations, including spam, offensive materials, trolls, hate speech, defamation, and misinformation. In addition, it can be difficult to keep up with the constant stream of comments unless you have a dedicated social media manager to monitor them on your behalf. In this article, you will learn how to use facebook approve comments so that only the posts you want appear are posted on your account or page.
What does pending comment mean?
To turn on facebook approve comments, first log in to your account and select the ‘edit page’ icon from the top right of any page you manage. Once you’re on the edit page, click’settings’ and then ‘notifications’. Once you’re on the notifications page, slide the ‘Tag review’ switch to the ‘On’ position. Once you do this, any photos or posts that you’re tagged in will not appear on your Timeline until you check them and approve them.
If you’re worried about allowing people to post to your page without checking them, you can set the ‘post approval’ option in ‘Manage permissions’ for each individual admin or editor on your page. You can also set up a block list for words and a profanity filter, which will automatically flag comments for review that contain any of these words or slang. This will save you a lot of time in the long run, as well as prevent your page from becoming a cesspool of unwanted discussions and comments.…