Carto Grafiassono Blog Boric Acid Supppositories For Yeast Infection

Boric Acid Supppositories For Yeast Infection

boric acid suppositories for yeast infection

Boric acid suppositories for yeast infection for yeast infection are used to treat vaginal yeast infections. This type of treatment is similar to miconazole antifungal suppositories, which work by preventing the growth of fungi.

Some women find boric acid suppositories helpful, especially for preventing recurrent infections. Others experience side effects, including burning, redness, and a burning or stinging sensation. If you experience these symptoms, discontinue use.

It’s important to understand that most women will get a yeast infection at least once in their lifetime. While there are many OTC products that can help treat the infection, they are not always enough. For complicated cases, you may need to consult with a doctor.

Boric acid suppositories for yeast infections are sometimes prescribed as an alternative for persistent infections. However, it’s important to note that boric acid is not as effective as other medications.

You may also want to consider other options, such as topical azole antifungals. These can provide relief for 80% to 90% of people.

How to make your own boric acid vaginal suppositories at home

Using an azole antifungal can be especially beneficial for people with recurrent infections. In most cases, you will need to take the medication once a day for two weeks. After that, you’ll need to continue taking it for about six months to prevent recurrence.

Boric acid suppositories are available over the counter. However, it’s important to follow the instructions on the label. Women should wash their hands and vaginal area before inserting the suppository.

Before using any suppository, you should consult with your health care provider. He or she can prescribe a medication for you and tell you how to use it.

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